Refund Policy - Brainstorm Force - Store

Refund Policy14 Day Money Back Guarantee

We firmly believe in and stand behind our products 100%, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. If you are unhappy with your purchase, or you have an issue that we are unable to resolve that makes the system unusable, we are more than happy to provide a complete refund within 14 days of your original purchase.

A few conditions:

  • We will process your refund as soon as we’re able to. In some cases, we might ask you for the opportunity to resolve the issue for you.
  • Refunds may only be issued within 14 days of the purchase date. After 14 days no refunds can be processed.
  • Refund periods are based on the first purchase date. If you have purchased in the past, the 14 days are from the first purchase, not the repurchase date.
  • By requesting and receiving a refund, you relinquish all ownership of your license and agree to cease using the product immediately.
  • The refunds on renewal payments can not be processed. We will send an email 2 weeks prior to your renewal date, so you can use this opportunity to cancel your subscription before the renewal payment is automatically processed.
  • VIP Priority Support purchase is non-refundable as it provides immediate and ongoing benefits from the moment of purchase. Therefore, refunds are not applicable for this service.
  • We reserve the right to deny a refund request if deemed necessary.
  • To submit a refund request, please open a support ticket.